I won't say that I know any secrets to sustaining a marriage. Sure there are things that help make it work, but I guarantee if you were to ask men and women what they think are the keys to a great marriage they would differ greatly. Women would say things like; you need to have trust, honesty, and patience. Men would say you need to have sex, sex, and more sex. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I have to disagree and say that the route is more likely through his penis. Sure, sex is a huge part of sustaining a relationship with your partner but pre marriage sex and post marriage sex are quite different. Especially when kids enter the picture.
When my husband and I first started dating we could have sex whenever and wherever we felt like it. We were carefree. Now...not so much. It has almost become like a planned "event". "How does a week from Thursday work for you?" Naughty bedroom talk has been replaced with things like: "Are you sure they are sleeping?", "Is their door closed?", "Did you lock our door?", "OK, let's get this show on the road...I have to get up early and pack lunches...and I have a ton of laundry to do". Pretty hot, I know. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't enjoy it. It's just that it's not as easy to focus on it when I'm constantly worried that we are going to get caught...again.
It frustrates men that women don't need sex as often as they do. I asked my husband once how he would feel if our relationship would stay strong if we regularly ate ice cream together. He likes to have ice cream occasionally but he wouldn't really notice if he went without it for a while. I, on the other hand, LOVE ice cream. I could eat it everyday. It probably won't seem fair to him if I thought we needed to have ice cream together a few times a week in order for our marriage to work. It's not that we have completely different priorities, I feel that being intimate with your partner can make the relationship stronger, but I tend to not really notice if it's been a while since we've done the "deed". I guarantee at any given time if I ask my husband when the last tine we have sex was he could tell me the date, and could probably give me the literal answer including the actually time. Sometimes I'll notice he's a bit moody and think...Hmm, when was the last time we had sex? It has been a while, maybe I should throw him a bone. Well technically I guess he would be throwing me a bone, but I digress.
I've been trying to spice things up a bit. Once in a while we will exchange some naughty texts, or perhaps even a picture here and there. This scares the hell out me though. I am still technologically challenged and panic as soon as I hit the send button. I sent that to the right person right? Oh crap...what if I didn't? I'm going to end up on the Internet. I am well known for making these types of blunders amongst my work friends. Once I sent the following picture to a lawyer that I was working with by mistake:

I added: "Wow, this guys pretty excited about the weather!". Luckily he had a good sense of humor and laughed about it. Now you see why I am leery about sending things to my hubby.
I feel lucky to be married to a man that I trust. Infidelity has never been issue for us. Sure, it may have something to do with the scare tactic I've used on him...telling him if I ever found out he cheated I would end up being compared to Lorena Bobbitt. Honestly, I don't worry about him as much as I worry about the women out there who enjoy the thrill of being with a married man. It pisses me off to hear stories about women who want a married man because they have a wife that will cook and clean and take care of the kids and they don't have to do these things for them. They just have sex with them and then send them back home to their wives. Really? To me, that would be like going to work everyday and then someone else gets your paycheck. I'll be damned if some bitch is going to make me do all the work and then she gets the reward. Mama wants her reward. If that means I need to move sex up my priority list, so be it. What's important to him should be important to me.
Maybe I can accommodate both of our favorite things into one...Sex immediately followed by ice cream. Then everyone wins. Plus we all know what would happen if I were to eat before...
Another great one Stacy.......and ice cream after sex is definitely better than a cigarette after sex - from what I remember. ;-)
Here from Blogflow and now following you...
Sex? Ice Cream? Oh yeah!
Follow me too!
Cracking up over you weather email. Priceless! Yes, I know my husband equates sex with intimacy/trust. Here from blogflow.
I love it! So true, especially the ice cream part. I wish marriage worked that way. Following you from blog flow. :)
Found you on blog flow and following. I really enjoyed this post. Why don't more mommy bloggers talk about sex? Obviously we're all doing it and it's not like our kids are reading our blogs. Anyways. I had a partial placenta previa for several months during my pregnancy and we weren't allowed to have sex. My hubby was not too happy about it. We're making up for it now...when the kids are sleeping that is.
So glad you posted again! I always look forward to reading them. You are so honest! Your honesty makes me laugh! And, I am so with you on the cheating THANG. Do you know the song by Sugarland "Why don't you stay?". I think it's about a woman wanting the married man to stay with her and leave his wife. I love the song, but I get mad at Jennifer Nettles for begging that bastard to stay by her side! Kick his ARSE out the stinkin' door!!
I love your comparison to ice cream and sex! So true!
I found you from blog flow and I'm happy that I did:)
I really enjoyed reading your posts! (I'm coming to you from Honest Mommy Bloggers and looking for some new reads...)
This is for you. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGOohBytKTU
Following you from MBC. Can't wait to share stories!
Happy 8th!
I gave you a couple more blog awards tonight on my blog. Tell those degrees to shove it!
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